

Preguntas y respuestas

juan munoz


How can I acces the zoom link?

Salih Tamim

Hi Juan, please refresh the page and you will see Join with Zoom button on the right under the share button and above the attendees list. Happy learning :)

Gamal Mohammed

Gamal Mohammed


how can this technique be applied on volunteers?

Salih Tamim

Hi, Gamal. Negotiation is considered a transferable skill that can be applied on any industry and for any position. It's about making sure you are not undervalued and that you get the most of the position. Happy learning :)


juan munoz


Dear, Team. At what time is the event in Saudi Arabian time? In my calendar was added at 10 am today. But I do not see any zoom link. Please advise

Salih Tamim

Hi, Juan. It is at 8PM Saudi Time. Refresh the page and you will see Join with Zoom button on the right under the share button and above the attendees list. Happy learning :)

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