Preguntas y respuestas
Anuoluwapo Ademuyiwa
Preguntado:Hi Nafees, Thanks for this opportunity. My name is Anuoluwapo Ademuyiwa from Lagos Nigeria, and I am a recent MBA graduate from Nexford University. Since my undergraduate degree program in pharmacy, I had always loved the idea of working with one of the global Big 4 consulting firms. However, I felt I needed an MBA degree to work in one. So, I enrolled for an MBA degree program after my Master's degree in Media & Communication (Marketing Communications major). Despite having a distinction in my MBA program, I think that my work experience (mainly as a pharmacist for almost a decade) may not be relevant in helping me get into the consulting field. So, I would like to know how best I can position myself (and my resumé) to increase my chances as an aspiring consultant. Thank you. N.B. I am keen on creating great customer experience, and I currently volunteer as a brand ambassador for Nexford University - connecting prospective learners with the institution.
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