

Preguntas y respuestas
Julius Adedoyin

Julius Adedoyin


As a student, what should I know and do now to prepare for job roles under product management after graduation?

Salih Tamim

Hi Julius, Dimah will answer your question in the session! Happy learning :)

Unknown User

Unknown User


You can see the zoom link on the day and time of this meeting

Salih Tamim

Yes, Leen. When the webinar starts on October 6th at 11:00 PT, that same "Register" button will change to "Join with Zoom" Click to join!

Anastasia Turpetko

Anastasia Turpetko


Hi! I've registered for this webinar but can't see a joining link anywhere, will you send it later?

Salih Tamim

Hi Anastasie, when the webinar starts on October 6th at 11:00 PT, that same "Register" button will change to "Join with Zoom" Click to join!

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