Preguntas y respuestas

Raed Alloud ☁
Preguntado:Greetings Deena, Hope all is well at your end. I am a computer science graduate with 14 years of experience in the domain. I have 5 years of experience as a digital CRM marketing director and in business development. Is there a chance to review my resume and check if there is any vacancy that suits my profession? Stay safe and best regards; Raed Alloud

Mr. Eslam ramadan
Preguntado:Hello Deena. Happy to attend the seminar and your wonderful effort and I am a teacher of Arabic language and my experience in this field for 5 years and I would like to find a chance to work in any international school

Ahmed Almansouri
Preguntado:Hello Deena! Looking forward to learning from your experiences and hopefully get to work with you in the future. I am a journalism and pr background with 3 years of experience total in communications and sales.

Ibrahim AL.Hajjar
Preguntado:Hi Ms Deena, kindly I am searching for job, I have 7 years experiance in retail fashion ,as a sales person and admin supervisoir. Iam willing to work in new domain. I would like to share my CV in order to check if your interested and can help me find a new job, Thanks,

Tareq Hawwash
Preguntado:Hello ms deena i have 2 years of experience at careem company,job title supply associate in operation center
Shashank Saxena
Preguntado:Hii Ms Deena, I have 8 years of experience in International sales and marketing in electrical projects and different electrical products. Now its seems to be that electrical sector is not a good line at the salaries are low from other sectors. So I want to be in sales and marketing but I wanted to switch my sector to FMGC or Advisory firms or Banking Insurance. But it seems to be very difficult as every company wants similar experience role. Please help how can i switch my sector now at this stage.
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