Dar Al-Hekma University
Dar Al-Hekma University

Dar Al-Hekma University

Graduating leaders and entrepreneurs

Sitio web



Educación superior

Tamaño de la empresa

201 - 500


Jeddah Arabia Saudita


Dar Al-Hekma University is a private, non-profit institution of higher education for women in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia - the first private University in the Kingdom.

The University comprises the following schools: School of Business and Law, School of Design and Architecture, School of Health, Behavioral Sciences and Education, and School of Engineering, Computing and Informatics.

The degree programs offered by the University are developed in collaboration with international universities, and are fully licensed and recognized by the Saudi Ministry of Education. There are 19 unique programs that are aligned with Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 initiative.

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