Africa Climate Careers Network
Africa Climate Careers Network

Africa Climate Careers Network

The virtual community to build the next generation of Africa’s climate leaders, powered by Shortlist Futures.

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11 - 50


Africa Climate Careers Network (ACCN) is an inclusive community that provides access to jobs, events, peers, and mentors to help youth and women in Africa transition into the clean energy and climate sectors. ACCN is powered by Shortlist Futures, a business unit within Shortlist which is a recruitment advisory firm. Shortlist Futures aims to unlock opportunities for youth in Africa through work experience and inclusive hiring in impactful sectors such as climate and clean energy.

What next? Here's a quick guide to navigate: ~ Start by browsing the resources and follow the other channels we have available. ~ Connect with other like-minded people. ~ Find events and initiatives posted here ~ Don't be afraid to ask questions.

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