Star for Life (SFL)
Star for Life (SFL)

Star for Life (SFL)

The Star for Life Foundation in Jerusalem focuses on the advancement of better life opportunities for all inhabitants of East Jerusalem, so that, in the long term, they can build a brighter future for themselves and their families.

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Gestión de organizaciones sin fines de lucro

Tamaño de la empresa

51 - 200




Star for Life (SFL) Jerusalem focuses on the advancement of better life opportunities for inhabitants of East Jerusalem. SFL Foundation is considered a channel for donors who share the same interest as SFL and who want to see substantial and positive changes for all inhabitants of E-Jerusalem. The SFL Jerusalem Foundation is a neutral foundation headed by the Swedish IT entrepreneur Dan Olofsson and during the next decade, it aims to focus on the delivery of education and jobs at a grassroots level. We have developed a five-year plan for three projects: Education, JobHub, and Sigma Labs.

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