Preguntas y respuestas

Khalid Alomari
Preguntado:Hadeer Ali, there is a green button above "Join with zoom" or, and it will open here, I think too.

Hadeer Ali
Preguntado:Can anyone help me to find webinar link?

toni sami
Preguntado:we need more informations about fresh gradute programm

Mohamad El Bohsaly
Preguntado:Kindly share with us the link to the webinar.

Shivangi Kumar
Preguntado:Considering the current situation with COVID-19 difficulties, how does EY plan to train and welcome new talent onboard?

Mohammad Gari, CPA Candidate
Preguntado:What are the most important skills in the process of digital transformation? how does it affect the group's performance?
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