Shivangi Kumar

Shivangi Kumar

Gestión estratégica en McMaster University

Emiratos Árabes Unidos

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¡Hola, soy Shivangi Kumar!

Experto de Localized

Finance Executive en Emtech Instruments FZC

As a self-driven Finance graduate, I intend to pursue my next career step in Consulting and Management. Throughout my studies, I was diligent while completing tasks and assignments, paid attention to detail, and proved to be consistent in my academic performance. As a result of this focused attitude, I managed to graduate with a Magna Cum Laude merit. My aim is to bring the same dedication and persistence into my career in the field of finance and everyday tasks in the future.

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Certificaciones y Distintivos

No se agregó certificaciones o distintivos


INJAZ - Entrepreneurship Camp 2015

Team Leader

This allowed me to learn more about business tactics. I was adjudged the first runner-up as the business outline I presented was appreciated by the judges. In the September session of the Entrepreneurship Camp 2015, I was a project speaker and won the first place for presenting the best business solution.

Young Entrepreneurs Competition (YEC)

Team Member

I participated in it at the ages of 17, 19 and 20 years and learned all about creating my own products, advertising and selling them to make a profit.

Global Business Challenge

Team Member

GBC conducted by University of Queensland and Griffith University. The task given was to analyze a given business crisis from economic and financial aspects.

Portfolio Management

Group Leader

Analyzing the financial markets and keeping a record on the fluctuations over the course of 3 months.









Sage CRM

Microsoft Dynamics GP Inventory and Order Processing


Viewing Worksheets

Communication Facilitation


Contextual Adaptation

Management Consulting

Localized conecta a estudiantes universitarios y recién graduados con expertos de la industria y empleadores.


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