Preguntas y respuestas

Ahmed Almousa
Preguntado:من لم يحضر الجلسة بسبب اختلاف التوقيت ممكن اعادة او بث مسجل

Shaima Ali
Preguntado:the date pass and i don't know how we can attend this webinar (i didn't received any link), is this webinar recorded? please next time make it more clear in order to not missed any webinar again

Kinda Mhanna
Preguntado:Whta is the code please?

Thamazgha Irnatene
Preguntado:elle est 16 h

Thamazgha Irnatene
Preguntado:le lien svp

Thamazgha Irnatene
Preguntado:16:00 بتوقيت الجزائر ؟

Shaima Ali
Preguntado:what is the link of this webinar ? the information are not clear

Ahmad Shoghri
Preguntado:what is the platform we will attend in, like zoom or what? and where is the link?

David Nazmy
Preguntado:what is the platform we will attend in, like zoom or what? and where is the link?
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