

Preguntas y respuestas
Ronit Avni

Ronit Avni


Some background on Jamil Wyne, our moderator today: Jamil is a specialist in emerging market development and impact investment. He currently works with the World Bank as well as the private equity fund Olive Tree Ridge, and has been an adviser to Localized for several years. In the past he has worked with 17 Asset Management, International Finance Corporation and Wamda, and has advised governments, startups and emerging market and impact investment funds. Jamil has published widely on entrepreneurship, technology development and impact investment in and outside of MENA as well. He is a Fulbright Fellow, a Fellow at New America, and a Fellow at the Truman National Security Project. He has an MBA from INSEAD, an MA in economics and political science from Johns Hopkins, and a BA from Bowdoin College.

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