Ronit Avni

Ronit Avni

CEO en Localized

Ciencias Políticas en Vassar College

Estados Unidos

ETS Anywherepro Badge

ETS Anywherepro Badge

This unique assessment tests real-life work scenarios and provides employers seeking professionals ready to work in a remote, hybrid, or digital environment an easy way to validate their skills.

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¡Hola, soy Ronit Avni!

Experto de Localized

CEO en Localized

Entrepreneur, CEO, Connector of Dots. Entrepreneur, CEO at the intersection of technology and social impact, Peabody award-winning media producer. Named "Young Global Leader (YGL)" by the World Economic Forum. Over 10 years of leadership experience founding, building and managing diverse teams, raising capital and running successful international organizations. Current judge for the MacArthur Foundation 100&Change competition and Global Teacher Prize. Recent Halcyon Fellow. Born and raised in Montreal.

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Certificaciones y Distintivos

ETS Anywherepro Badge

ETS Anywherepro Badge

This unique assessment tests real-life work scenarios and provides employers seeking professionals ready to work in a remote, hybrid, or digital environment an easy way to validate their skills.

Fecha de emisión: Nov 6, 2024

ID del credencial: 2a78daec29206d7df0425d092c964682

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Public Speaking

Team Problem Solving

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