Daniel Metzger-Coker

Daniel Metzger-Coker

Ingeniería Mecánica en Fourah Bay College,Univesity of Sierra Leone

Sierra Leona

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¡Hola, soy Daniel Metzger-Coker!

Overhead power Transmission line construction engineer en International procurement and construction services

Analytical, Organized, and detail-oriented Electromechanical and Maintenance Engineer, very resilient, and has acquired +3 years of working experience in the electromechanical and Utility sectors, with a vast capacity to learn and produce as proven during past employments. Displays considerable strength across a wide range of personal skills in analysis, thinking, research, and problem-solving. Enjoys contributing to all team activities and displays the ability to communicate with others in planning and organizing.

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    M3.75 Project, Marampa Mines Limited, Lunsar, Sierra Leone.


    Overhead Transmission line construction

    Marampa Mines Limited, a subsidiary of Gerald Group is engaged in the exploration, development, and production of high-grade iron ore concentrate, Marampa Blue™ at Marampa in the Port Loko District, Northern Province of Sierra Leone. MML aims to build a resilient and long-life iron ore mine in Sierra Leone and to expand operations by integrating mining, processing, infrastructure, and export logistics, alongside playing a responsible role in the economic and social stability of the region.





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