Charity Renee  Nanjala

Charity Renee Nanjala

Volunteer Research Assistant en 254 Youth Policy Cafe

Administración Pública en Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology


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¡Hola, soy Charity Renee Nanjala!

Volunteer Research Assistant en 254 Youth Policy Cafe

Charity is an organized and results-oriented professional with an interest in Policy research, and Sustainable Development . As a volunteer Research Assistant and University Liaison Lead at 254 Youth Policy Café, Charity has provided invaluable support in research, administration, and implementation of the organization’s mandate. Charity holds a Public Administration and Leadership degree from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology and additional training in statistical analysis, disability inclusion and Sustainability. During her free time, Charity serves as a Freelance virtual assistant in passion areas and volunteers at Najimudu Empowerment Initiative as an Executive Assistant advocating for the participation of youths, women and People living with disabilities in creating and enhancing sustainable solutions. She brings a well-rounded skill set to the team. She is driven by a passion for social impact, and advocacy, and is eager to contribute to organizations focused on positive social change

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