Meddy Sephora

Meddy Sephora

Programme Coordinator en Global Movement Education

Relaciones públicas y comunicación de masas en Southern New Hampshire University


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¡Hola, soy Meddy Sephora!

Programme Coordinator en Global Movement Education

Results-driven and hard-working professional with a strong background in interpretation, translation, customer service, operation management, leadership, and coordinating. I hold a Bachelor's in Management, with a concentration in Logistics and Operations from Southern New Hampshire University. With my intercultural background and extensive experience as an interpreter, I strive to overcome language barriers within my community. While working for a non-profit organization supporting refugees, I gained leadership and management skills and interpersonal and communication skills. Since I am proficient in French and Swahili, and I can translate these languages into English, I have communicated more effectively with a broader range of people. I accomplish my tasks by inspiring others, communicating effectively and working as part of a team, building trust, taking the initiative, fostering creativity, motivating colleagues, and striving for continuous improvement.

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