Isaac Mureithi

Isaac Mureithi

Development Strategist en Loss and Damage Youth Coalition

Ciencias Actuariales en Institute and Faculty of Actuaries


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¡Hola, soy Isaac Mureithi!

Development Strategist en Loss and Damage Youth Coalition

Seeking a position to elevate my career in actuarial risk management, climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction, humanitarian impact, investment analyses and sustainable asset management. Proficient in identifying growth opportunities and delivering recommendations to support strategic decision-making.

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Index-Based Weather Risk Management Programs as applied in Agricultural Insurance


“Farmers in East African countries like Kenya rely on index-based agricultural insurance to protect them against losses from crop damage caused either by extreme weather or other threats... Increasingly, index-based insurance programs are employing satellite Earth observations as a reliable source of weather and climate information that can be used to further develop and scale these programs. The data include vegetation conditions, soil moisture and rainfall estimates. This can help insurance companies easily detect and verify where and when financial payouts might be needed."

This research project aims to assess the viability of parametric insurance product for flood risk in Kenya, using the concept of area yield index insurance.




R Statistical

Actuarial Model

Investment Analysis

Research Writing

Asset Management


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