Wael Karameh

Wael Karameh


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¡Hola, soy Wael Karameh!

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Dr. Wael Karameh, a family medicine consultant physician and a geriatric psychiatrist currently based in Beirut, Lebanon. He Finished his MD at the Lebanese University in Beirut in 2000, then joined the family medicine department at the American University of Beirut and graduated in 2004. He focused on mental health early during his residency and did elective clinical training in psychiatry at Mayo Clinic, USA. After graduation, he moved to UAE and started his career as a family medicine specialist at Sheikh Khalifa Medical City/managed by Cleveland Clinic.   Dr Wael joined University of Toronto in Canada between 2017 and 2019 specializing in Geriatric Psychiatry. His two year clinical fellowship experience at UOT includes research activities in the filed of neurocognitive disorders. He received the most prestigious award from UOT which is “Best Accomplishment by a Clinical Fellow Award” for year 2018-2019.   Dr Wael is a clinical scientist and researcher with 16 publications in peer reviewed international journals focusing on psychosis, OCD, cognitive disorders, and the association of cardio vascular risks factors and dementia.   Dr Karameh is a mental health advocate in MENA region and also a published poet with 3 Arabic poetry books. He received as well an international award of best Lebanese poet for year 2014.

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