Kellie Swart

Kellie Swart

Consultant en Private

Maestría en Administración de Negocios (MBA) en Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi


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¡Hola, soy Kellie Swart!

Experto de Localized

Consultant en Private

With over a decade of experience in Project and Program Management, Kellie is a strategic leader who values knowledge-sharing and continuous learning. As a PMI global volunteer and former Director of Professional Development for the PMI Netherlands Chapter, Kellie constantly explores opportunities to foster growth within the project management community. As a Consultant for various international organizations, Kellie has spearheaded projects across five distinct industries in on-site and virtual leadership settings. Her current focus is leading change initiatives and organizational transformation projects, steering toward business excellence. She finds joy in forging new connections, embarking on journeys of cultural exploration through travel, and leaving positive impressions on the communities and organizations she serves. Her work with the NextGen Outreach Committee (NGOC) illustrates her commitment to broadening PMI’s reach and influence, fostering a welcoming environment for career-long learning and development among aspiring project professionals worldwide. Join her as she shares insights on project management, leadership, and the importance of mentoring in cultivating a dynamic and inclusive project management community.

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