Jose Duran

Jose Duran

Automation Manager en ScotiaBank

Ingeniería de software en Instituto Tecnologico de Santo Domingo

República Dominicana

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¡Hola, soy Jose Duran!

Experto de Localized

Automation Manager en ScotiaBank

As a project manager and strategic leader, I prioritize continuous learning and development, actively acquiring new skills, and fostering mentorship relationships both as a mentor and mentee in a mutually beneficial 360-degree process. ► 5+ years of project management experience. ► Industry experiences include Manufacturing, Banking - Financial Services, Consulting, Medical Devices, FMCG (Fast-moving consumer goods), Education and Telecomms. ► Project portfolio includes Automating Processes & Digital Transformations, New Product Development, New Product Introduction . ► International environments. 📌 Focused on artificial intelligence, software development, change management, and product development. ► Approach projects by understanding before developing effective products, solutions and roadmaps. ► Value trust-based leadership, transparency, team collaboration, and continuous learning. ❤️‍🔥 I find happiness in meeting new people, music, dance, learning new things, exploring new cultures through travel and making a positive impact in the community.

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