Ian Omwenga

Africa University

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¡Hola, soy Ian Omwenga!

Assistant examination invigilator en Africa University

International Relations professional keen to find solutions to issues of international character. I have developed my understanding of critical issues in international affairs such as international law, humanitarian action, conflict, foreign policy, counterterrorism and sustainable development which has prepared me to make a positive contribution towards resolution of human security issues. Peace and conflict management professional keen to supervise the administration and delivery of services in the respective and perform any other functions conferred on it by the Constitution or national legislation: and carry out any function incidental to any of the assigned functions. As a peace and conflict professional, I am keen on making sure existing initiatives, studies and practical experiences on conflict prevention and peace issues become more visible for a wider community in Kenya; Providing new perspectives concerning peace dilemmas and the expanding concept of conflict mitigation, including a bottom-up strategy involving social actors and citizens' approach and concerns on policy processes and analyses; Promoting policy dialogues and the exchange of knowledge and experience across different regions and Identifying and responding to new conflict tendencies in different parts of Kenya and Africa.

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