Anderson Kipngetich

Research Intern en Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

Ciencia de Datos en JENGA SCHOOL


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¡Hola, soy Anderson Kipngetich!

Research Intern en Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY • Degree in Business Innovation Technology Management. • Have been awarded a certificate in Foundation in Data Science having pursued it as professional course. • Been awarded a virtual certificate by Arizona State University having pursued a course in Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation Bootcamp. • Possess a year of work experience in the records in the records management of United States International University -Africa. • Experience in commercialization and patenting of new invention at Chandaria Innovation Centre. • Well versed in excel for data analytics by use of power query to automate the process of importing and preparing data for analysis and presentation of data. • An open-minded team player with an eye of problem solving. ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Participated in planning of Kenya Innovation Week that was held on 23rd September, 2021. • Took part in team work where I help in planning of National Youth and Entrepreneurship programs by easing the communication channel and addressing the issues raised • Actively played rugby during my high school where I represented my school at different level of sports

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