Nhlakanipho Ngubane

Relaciones Internacionales en University of Pretoria/Universiteit van Pretoria


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¡Hola, soy Nhlakanipho Ngubane!

Associate – Corporate Innovation & Venture Capital en Plug and Play Tech Center (PNPTC)

Experienced Investor Relations Manager, Corporate Development Practitioner, Innovator, and aspiring Investor with vast experience in Deal-making, Growth Strategy, Blue Chip Corporations, Development Institutions, Government, SMEs, and Early-Stage Startups. I hold an Honours (Post Graduate Degree) in International Relations, which draws from Politics, Economics, Law, and History. Through my passion for Business Strategy, Finance and Accounting, I have been able to pivot my career into exciting journeys such as leading the Venture Capital for Plug and Play Tech Center and Social Impact & Innovation Investments for the United Nations World Food Programme. I am always seeking to leverage leadership, innovation, and investment expertise to drive business growth. To fulfil my leadership track aspirations, I will be enrolling into a MBA program in 2025.

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