Farah El Sabaa

Farah El Sabaa

Finanzas en American University of Sharjah

Emiratos Árabes Unidos

Acerca deEventosCanalesComunidades

¡Hola, soy Farah El Sabaa!

Content Management Intern en Radical Contemporary

Hi there! I'm Farah, a recent graduate from the American University of Sharjah, holding a Bachelor's of Science in Business Administration. I've acquired work experience through the completion of a finance internship and an internship in the creative industry which focused on content creation and podcast editing. Therefore, I believe that versatility is an invaluable facet of mine, seeing that I'm able to explore varying sectors. Post-graduation, I delved into the world of content creation on Linkedin and amounted to 27,000 views and 517 reactions on my posts centered around providing job-searching tips to my network. As a mental health advocate, I volunteered as an active listener on 7Cups in order to offer online therapy to those struggling to find someone to anonymously confide in. You'll catch me doing yoga or visiting museums in my free time! Feel free to connect with me on Linkedin :)

Redes sociales



Certificaciones y Distintivos

No se agregó certificaciones o distintivos


Case Studies in Corporate Finance

Form a Proposal based on Uber's Business model

Responsible for the comparison between MLMs and Pyramid Schemes







Time Management


Public Speaking

Microsoft Excel

Google Analytics

Microsoft PowerPoint

Microsoft Word


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