Milka Achieng
Estudios Ambientales en Kenyatta University
¡Hola, soy Milka Achieng!
conservation educator en Lewa wildlife conservancy
I am a highly motivated and result-driven professional with a diverse background and proven track record of achievements. I have experience in field and laboratory research, data collection and analysis, community engagement and outreach programs, conservation education, customer care services, and wildlife management.
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Lewa wildlife conservancy
conservation educator
May 2022 - December 2022
Gave conservation talks and presentations to over 3000 learners and visitors visiting the conservation education program. This resulted in about 30% increase in their knowledge and skills on environmental conservation according to the evaluation the program did after every session to assess the impact. Developed teaching resources/exhibits for the program. Community development and outreach programs.
The Nature Conservancy
Field operations intern
February 2020 - July 2020
Supported promotion of Agro forestry practices including but not limited to selection of appropriate tree species, follow ups on trees establishment and management practices within upper Tana catchment. I was able to plant over 7000 agroforestry tree seedlings with farmers. Trained over 500 farmers on Sustainable Land Management Practices including but not limited to laying grass strips with the right grass varieties, laying terraces in sloppy farms, pegging of riparian land and advising on riparian land management, to preserve soil quality and prevent land degradation. Monitoring and evaluating the status of the water pan, drip kits and the benefits farmers are getting from them. Successfully increased a farmer's yearly profit from Ksh 300,000 to 2m through the use of water pan. Data collection through filling in Farm action plan with farmers and entry into DHIS2 application. Follow up, capture and document community cost share for in-kind and cash contributions. Receiving visitors from the county office and from the nature conservancy head office.
World agro-forestry centre (ICRAF)-soil-plant diagnostic laboratory
Laboratory volunteer
January 2019 - July 2019
Elemental content analysis of soil and plants samples, using portable x-ray fluorescence and carbon nitrogen analyser machines, to determine elements present in soil and plants. Receiving samples from the field, sorting and bar-cording. Milling and sample loading for analysis.
Certificaciones y Distintivos
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Problem Analysis
Eye for detail, Detail Orientation
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