Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela

Senior Facilitator (Volunteer) en TAIFA TEULE NETWORK

Ingeniería de Micro Electrónica en Dedan Kimathi University of Technology


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¡Hola, soy Nelson Mandela!

Senior Facilitator (Volunteer) en TAIFA TEULE NETWORK

I am a Leader and an energy Enthusiast with a bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. I am a team player and also good at providing creative simple solutions to complex challenges. I possess quality communication skills and data analysis strategies. I am a Senior Facilitator Working with a non-profit organization that trains youth leaders in Governance and Community projects in Kenya, giving me a wealth of experience in human development and governance strategies. Having interned for various energy companies, I have quick learning abilities and a highly trainable in understanding of work processes. I Work under minimum supervision and deliver tasks on scheduled time. I am also a leader and a visionary towards sustainable Development goals and climate change solutions thus being a volunteer with climate change youth groups called YOUNGO. I have admirable knowledge in computer skills and career and life coaching.

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