Murtadha Alhussain

Murtadha Alhussain

Seguridad Cibernética en Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University: Homepage

Arabia Saudita

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¡Hola, soy Murtadha Alhussain!

Seguridad Cibernética en Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University: Homepage

I'm a senior at Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University studying digital forensics and cybersecurity, and I'm willing to learn more about the field. Through education and practical experience, I have developed a thorough understanding of cybersecurity principles and digital forensics procedures. I am thrilled to be able to contribute my skills to the field and have a positive impact.

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Password manger for students

Team member

Passwords are one of the most used authentication systems because they are simple to use. However, if the password is tough, it is easy to forget, and if it is simple, it is vulnerable to cyberattacks. The solution is a password manager, which has been developed, but most individuals are afraid to use it. By providing a variety of options, our website will encourage more students to utilize it and diminish their fear of it. The major feature is Arabic master password generation, where the master password can be generated randomly. An example of that is (ي!#!شلاؤئي!@نم)*اض). Another option is to use a memorable sentence using an Arabic dataset. An example of that is (قمر شمس نور سماء). If the student wishes to make his own master password that is also an option. The master password can be in Arabic or English utilizing Arabic with unique features such as the Harakat. Vault (خزنة ) will function as a normal password manager with Arabic language support. Finally, password managers provide proactive protection against the risks associated with traditional password approaches and assist users in developing trust in them.









Problem Solving

Critical thinking

Network Security Vulnerabilities

Digital Forensic Investigations Framework

Security Incident Response

Penetration Testing

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