Akram Shahadat

Hygiene Promotion Officer en Global Communities

Trabajo Social y Política Social en University of Aden - Faculty of Arts


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¡Hola, soy Akram Shahadat!

Hygiene Promotion Officer en Global Communities

Am an individual of remarkable diligence, and unwavering commitment. My exceptional administrative and organizational capabilities have allowed me to devise and implement efficient systems and procedures with great success. I possess an exemplary proficiency in IT, particularly in the realm of MS Office, and have an innate ability to swiftly comprehend new concepts and ideas. Throughout my illustrious nine-year career, I have actively contributed to programs aimed at enhancing household food security and livelihoods. This has included providing agricultural inputs such as seeds, tools, and livestock. Additionally, I have facilitated income generation opportunities for vulnerable households through market-driven vocational training, support for asset-building groups, and cash-for-work initiatives. Furthermore, I have played a significant role in improving community hygiene practices, making a positive impact on the overall well-being of affected populations. Moreover, I have been involved in emergency relief efforts, including NFI (Non-Food Items) distributions and providing logistical support. These experiences have further strengthened my understanding of the complexities involved in humanitarian response and have honed my ability to effectively navigate challenging situations.

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Certificaciones y Distintivos

No se agregó certificaciones o distintivos



Hygiene Promotion Officer

Emergency Food and Nutrition Assistance II





Project Management Office (PMO)

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