Fabrice fabrice.niyonzima22@keplercollege.ac.rw
Chief Materials Organizer en Sexual Gender balance violence protection
Gestión de proyectos en Kepler College
¡Hola, soy Fabrice fabrice.niyonzima22@keplercollege.ac.rw!
Chief Materials Organizer en Sexual Gender balance violence protection
Experienced Human Resources professional and talented in employee relations, doing project management at Kepler College, having skills like; Critical thinking and problem-solving, Team organization, software skills, Micro soft projects tools, and accounting software like Quickbook. Having a strong ability transforms the youth into change-makers in the fastest world and strong stability in choosing the top gifted applicants and progressive and positive employee coordinators. Additionally, to make an organization, a company workplace that is in line with laws and regulations driven by the company beliefs and goals. outstanding organizational and communication skills. devoted and dedicated to promoting an optimistic work environment and significantly advancing the organization's achievements.
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