Hamza Alnassar
Ciencia de Datos en Princess Sumaya University for Technology
¡Hola, soy Hamza Alnassar!
Ciencia de Datos en Princess Sumaya University for Technology
As a data science and artificial intelligence student, I am dedicated to mastering the tools and techniques that drive transformative insights from data. With a strong foundation in statistical analysis, data modeling, and computational frameworks, I am focused on leveraging data-driven approaches to solve complex problems. My academic projects highlight my proficiency in applying machine learning algorithms and exploring the nuances of data manipulation and visualization. I am eager to contribute to cutting-edge research and collaborate with multidisciplinary teams to innovate and push the boundaries of AI and data science applications.
Redes sociales
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Ciencia de Datos
Princess Sumaya University for Technology
Graduado en 2025
Certificaciones y Distintivos
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