Mokgadi Magagane

Mokgadi Magagane

Finanzas y Contabilidad en University of Johannesburg


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¡Hola, soy Mokgadi Magagane!

Finanzas y Contabilidad en University of Johannesburg

Dear Sir/Madam, I am Mokgadi Magagane. I am excited to apply and work for your company. I am currently looking for a job and am ready for hire immediately. I have seen that I may have the basics of the skills required and am willing to learn any additional skills required. I am currently doing my last year in diploma in accountancy at the University of Johannesburg which is why this job interested me. I am looking forward to gaining experience, learning new skills and to get an understanding of work life. I honestly do not know what to expect but would love to face it with enthusiasm. I am very resilient and am a hard worker. , I am a fast learner and might be an asset to the company. I have fresh perspective and grew up with technology. I am energetic and innovative.

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