Danielle Mikaelian
Derecho en Harvard
Estados Unidos
¡Hola, soy Danielle Mikaelian!
1L Summer Associate en Schulte Roth & Zabel
Danielle Mikaelian is a Columbia University graduate who currently attends Harvard Law School. She has a BA in English Literature and was named Columbia University's 2021 Student of the Year. At Columbia, Mikaelian served as Wellness Chair and Business Director for the Columbia Undergraduate Law Review. Danielle Mikaelian is the proud descendant of Armenian Genocide survivors and is very active in the Armenian community. She currently serves as Co-President of the Harvard Armenian Law Student Association. Danielle Mikaelian was President of Columbia University's Armenian Society as well. She is originally from Southern California and is the eldest of three siblings.
Certificaciones y Distintivos
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