Giramata Muhoracyeye Candide
Site engineer en Betra construction ltd
Inteligencia Artificial en Carnegie Mellon University-Africa
¡Hola, soy Giramata Muhoracyeye Candide!
Site engineer en Betra construction ltd
I'm pursuing a master's degree in Engineering Artificial Intelligence, building on my background in civil engineering. My passion for problem-solving led me to integrate technology into my skill set, as it offers advanced solutions to challenges. I am dedicated and eager to learn, with a vision of making a positive impact on my community. I’m applying for this internship to enhance my skills and move closer to achieving my goals.
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January 2021 - December 2021
Performed site analysis to check if the site conditions can accommodate a tower. Supervised the construction works of a tower. Inspected construction works done by the contractor for conformity with specifications and regulations within the technical specifications (BoQ and drawings) and IHS standards.
Certificaciones y Distintivos
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