Festus Aboagye

Festus Aboagye

Educación en University of Cape Coast


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¡Hola, soy Festus Aboagye!

Educación en University of Cape Coast

Festus Boahen Aboagye is a passionate professional with a unique blend of skills in music and technology. He leverages his expertise to bridge the gap between creative content and seamless digital distribution. He aspires to empower rightsholders and content creators, particularly within the vibrant African music industry. He aims to streamline content management systems, ensuring accurate representation and fair compensation for artists and creatives. At Know-The-Codes LLC, Festus is crucial in establishing clear and consistent music metadata coding practices, ensuring accurate identification and tracking of creative content. His meticulous approach to metadata organisation safeguards artist interests and promotes fair royalty allocation within the music industry. By combining his music expertise with a background in web development, he possesses a well-rounded understanding of the technical aspects of content distribution in the digital age.

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Audio Mastering

Music Composition

Audio mixing

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