Hany Hassan

Hany Hassan

Executive coordinator en Silicon Waha

Desarrollo sostenible en IBM skill share


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¡Hola, soy Hany Hassan!

Executive coordinator en Silicon Waha

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Certificaciones y Distintivos

No se agregó certificaciones o distintivos


Recycled animal feeds

Project Manager

Production of Innovative Local Animal Feed from Recycled Waste with a Focus on Sustainability: This project focuses on producing high-quality animal feed using recycled agricultural and food waste. The project involves collecting and processing agricultural and food waste, and using innovative processing techniques to convert it into nutrient-rich feed. Sustainability is emphasized by reducing agricultural waste and making use of local resources, which reduces the carbon footprint and improves feed quality. Additionally, obtaining environmental certifications can enhance the product's appeal in the market and increase customer trust in its quality and sustainability.

Digital Archiving and Payment Coordination for the Medical Insurance Market:

Project Manager

This project aims to improve administrative operations in the medical insurance market through digital archiving and payment coordination. By using cloud computing and machine learning to analyze data, digital archiving can organize and store important documents in an easily accessible and secure way. Regarding payment coordination, electronic payment gateways can be used to facilitate and speed up the process of paying claims and invoices between insurance companies and healthcare providers. This not only improves efficiency but also reduces human errors and increases the transparency of financial operations.









Graphic Designer

Frontend Developer

Administering Office

PMI Project Management Professional (PMP)

Sustainable Business

Cyber Security

HR Operations


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