Sherine Achieng

Sherine Achieng

Negocios Internacionales en other


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¡Hola, soy Sherine Achieng!

Advocacy Consultant en Niyel

I am a highly skilled and experienced communications professional with a proven track record of success in the development sector. My expertise in advocacy, research, and project management, coupled with my strong communication skills and experience working with diverse stakeholders, make me a valuable asset to any organization. My passion for driving positive change and empowering communities is evident throughout my career journey, and I continue to make a significant contribution to the advancement of global development goals. Some of the issues that I have contributed to include education, women empowerment, governance, financial inclusion, international reproductive health, entrepreneurship, data and AI in the African context. My core skills include adaptability, content development, strategic planning, digital strategy, social media management, research and analysis, storytelling, strategic communications, graphic design, event management, networking, stakeholder engagement and project management. I am open to connecting with professionals and organizations that share my interests in strategic communications and advocacy for social impact. Feel free to reach out to discuss potential collaborations or opportunities.

Redes sociales

No se agregaron enlaces sociales



    Certificaciones y Distintivos

    No se agregó certificaciones o distintivos


    Africa Data Governance Hub

    Content curator

    Repository for data governance resources.







    Strategic Communication

    Graphic Design

    Presentation Applications like MS PowerPoint

    Stakeholder Relationship Management

    Event Coordination

    Event Designing


    Storytelling (as a means of transferring tacit knowledge)

    Social Media Management

    Content Curation

    Presentation Skills


    Project Management

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