Joan Ndanu

Joan Ndanu

Student Assistant en JKUAT SEED CENTER

Ingeniería Agrícola y Biológica en Jomo Kenyatta university of agriculture and technology


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¡Hola, soy Joan Ndanu!

Student Assistant en JKUAT SEED CENTER

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    Certificaciones y Distintivos

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    Olderkesi living lab

    Student assistant

    I was involved in the expansion and maintaince of a solar mini grid in Olderkesi, Narok county. The minigrid serves a village, schools, and clinic; with about 1200 people in the area benefiting from the PV system.

    Flooding management system

    Water Engineer - student

    As a water engineer, my role in the project was to analysis yhe flooding occurrences that had plagued different parts of Kenya, using on-site methods and tools. And using the data collected, advise a technical team on what is required to make a real time flooding management system

    Solar powered irrigation greenhouse

    Site Engineer

    I led a hardworking team to realise the company's vision of having a solar powered irrigation greenhouse. From installing two 250W solar panel on a two storey building, to designing a water piping system, and finally constructing different farming systems for the greenhouse. We had moistbeds, hydroponics sytems, and stryofoam trays nearly arranged in our greenhouse.







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