Adony Mwanza

Consultant en Orient One Village Enterprises

Gestión Ambiental en Edith Cowan University Australia


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¡Hola, soy Adony Mwanza!

Consultant en Orient One Village Enterprises

Adony is an expert at coordinating the training of personnel in key areas of safety such as First Aid, CPR, accident prevention and inductions. With his former employer he was in charge of ensuring that fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, fire alarms, sprinkler systems and fire hydrants are in perfect working condition. He will always remain composed and in control when an emergency arises and is someone who is not slow to take corrective and preventive measures. On a personal level he has the ability to work co-operatively with one's to complete tasks and implement process improvements. His key strengths include conducting workplace inspections and investigating accidents in a neutral and objective manner. Right now he is looking for a suitable position with a reputable and ambitious company.

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