Joy Magagula

Joy Magagula

English Language & Legal Writing Tutor en Preply

University of Cape Town via GetSmarter


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¡Hola, soy Joy Magagula!

English Language & Legal Writing Tutor en Preply

LLB Law graduate with a vibrant personality. Currently working as an English and legal writing tutor. Interested in Law Articles, research assistant, and environmental work. Winner of UCT Department of Student Affairs Leadership Award and 2023 UCT Law Students’ Council President. Community upliftment and sustainability leader - National titleholder of Miss Earth Air for the Miss Earth South Africa Leadership programme.

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Certificaciones y Distintivos

No se agregó certificaciones o distintivos


Joyful Hands


This project is aimed at providing environmental education to various individuals and communities through teaching and providing practical means to do so. The main project is a crochet along where individuals from around the world are taught how to crochet blankets while learning about sustainable materials and fashion. The blankets are then donated to different children's homes and children in need. There is also a tree planting and recycling campaign in order to provide greening and environmental awareness practically.




Public Speaking


Organizational Leadership

Legal Research

Legal Dispute Resolution

Problem Solving

Team Problem Solving


Environmental Impact

Social Sustainability

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