Nouira Mohamed Salah

Nouira Mohamed Salah

primary global ambassador en singularity university

Desarrollo Sostenible y Cambio Climático en InforMea


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¡Hola, soy Nouira Mohamed Salah!

primary global ambassador en singularity university

I'm a multidisciplinary scientist currently working for the ministry of education since 2006. I'm a specialist in climate change , SDGs , Health and wellbeing , remote sensing data ,and marine pollution .I have the master's degree in biology at 2001 and another high diploma from the high institute of health at 2004 ; I participate to many webinars , courses and trainings from differents establishments , universities and organizations around the world .I get many dozen online training , internship and achievement courses certificates almost are accredited ; leader of GCSP Alumni Hub in Tunisia and certified sustainability officer , construction LCA specialist , primary global ambassador at Singularity University , country mentor at climate reality project , UNFCCC Observer , judge member at selection reviewer committee and many others nominations....I'm member at many dozens international organizations , establishments , institutes and associations around the world.

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    Certificaciones y Distintivos

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    retrofit building energy


    Because buildings are responsible for 39% of global carbone emission : 28% from operational emissions and 11% from materials and construction Embodied carbon is the next step in energy efficiency and decarbonisation.we have to track the carbon footprint of construction material and the heat leakage through buildings. Building Energy Retrofits: Energy retrofit projects aim to improve the energy efficiency of existing buildings by insulating them, replacing outdated heating and cooling systems, and using energy-efficient materials. This reduces energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. we will track the heat leakage and we will make the corresponding anomalies and the necessary corrective measures to intervene in one or more levels of the construction product life cycle assessment ( LCA ) ( whether it be in the strategy , concept ,design , construction or refurbish level ). And more precisely in the new building planning at material level or transportation or construction… until end of life which is calculated by sophisticated tools like one click LCA …











    Climate Change

    Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS)

    Marine Pollution

    Sustainable Development

    ASQ Certified HACCP (Food Safety) Auditor (CHA)

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