Hyder Hyder
Director en Sabun Laundry
Administración de Empresas en Strathmore University
¡Hola, soy Hyder Hyder!
Director en Sabun Laundry
I started my career with an entrepreneurial fire that got my fingers burnt a few times and knowledge imprinted in my brain. I am seeking an opportunity to build upon my creative thinking, entrepreneurial drive, and people skills to solve problems, improve processes, and build unique and repeatable successful solutions for diverse institutions as well as provide opportunities to impact my community, country and the world.
Sabun Laundry
October 2019 - Presente
While I have worked on a number of businesses throughout my life Sabun Laundry was the first I managed to raise a decent amount of funds for. ● Recruited and trained a total of 12 staff throughout the lifetime of the company. ● Created and grew the Sabun Laundry brand. ● Pivoted from being a B2C only company to both B2C and B2B. ● Decreased variable costs by 25% through a deep analysis of processes and introduced more sustainable options. ● I grew sales to Ksh 500,000 a month within 12 months of pivot.
A.M. Hyder Estate
Real Estate Manager
April 2011 - Presente
Ensured all repairs are executed timely and to professional standards. Learnt proper client management through experiential learning. ● Ensured all common ground utilities, and salaries for maintenance and security staff are paid on time. ● Collected and invoiced rent from the tenants.
- Sourced and managed tenants. ● Provided monthly reports of income and expenses to property owners. ● Ensured regular communication with tenants, especially in times of changes, repairs and unforeseen circumstances.
Gulf African Bank
Youth Banking Officer
September 2016 - March 2018
Gulf African Bank is the second biggest Islamic bank in Kenya and one of the fastest growing banks in the country. ● Partnered with the ISIC (International Student Identity Card) Association to develop a co-branded debit card and add value to our Taleb (student) account. country and the world.
● Assisted in the making of the 2017 Youth Strategy. ● Conducted a clean up of all company accounts to ascertain age and gender percentage of owners. ● Spearheaded the #SaveYourWayUp campaign, that was to be launched in partnership with Samsung. ● Identified gaps in the financing products that make them unattractive for Youth. ● Implemented a SASA above 18 report that enables us to track and convert children’s accounts to adult accounts.
Gulf African Bank
Graduate Trainee
October 2015 - August 2016
Gulf African Bank is the second biggest Islamic bank in Kenya and one of the fastest growing banks in the country. ● Trained in various operations departments at the branch level including the cash and customer service. ● Resolved several customer issues that had previously remained unresolved for months. ● Secured new deposits of over Kshs 143 million shillings. ● Organized an overnight team building session for 16 members of staff. ● Conveyed customer concerns and feedback to the responsible persons.

Administración de Empresas
Strathmore University
Graduado en 2019
Certificaciones y Distintivos
No se agregó certificaciones o distintivos
This world-class conference organized for the first time in Nairobi in April 2014 at the KICC gathered several international and local speakers at an event attended by more than three thousand people. This year the conference was held for the third time in April in the KICC ballroom with nearly 4000 attendees. Served on the Organizing Committee that planned and set up of the conference for all four years. o Recruited and trained 150 volunteers for the event. o Managed the volunteers during the event. o Administered the social media pages before and during the event (T: 294 followers, Fb: 4,346 likes, Ig: 616). o Generated a reach of 7,994 people and engagement with 2,189 persons on the facebook by dripping the speaker list while giving challenges with the followers for early release of each speaker of the day. o Collaborated with designer for the artwork and printing of materials for the event.
Project Coordination
Problem Solving
Team Management
Relationship Management
Event Management
Planning Tasks, Delegating, Tracking
Project Management
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