Hyder Hyder

Director en Sabun Laundry

Administración de Empresas en Strathmore University


Acerca deEventosCanalesComunidades

¡Hola, soy Hyder Hyder!

Director en Sabun Laundry

I started my career with an entrepreneurial fire that got my fingers burnt a few times and knowledge imprinted in my brain. I am seeking an opportunity to build upon my creative thinking, entrepreneurial drive, and people skills to solve problems, improve processes, and build unique and repeatable successful solutions for diverse institutions as well as provide opportunities to impact my community, country and the world.

Redes sociales



Certificaciones y Distintivos

No se agregó certificaciones o distintivos


Journey Of Faith

Organising Committee Member

This world-class conference organized for the first time in Nairobi in April 2014 at the KICC gathered several international and local speakers at an event attended by more than three thousand people. This year the conference was held for the third time in April in the KICC ballroom with nearly 4000 attendees.  Served on the Organizing Committee that planned and set up of the conference for all four years. o Recruited and trained 150 volunteers for the event. o Managed the volunteers during the event. o Administered the social media pages before and during the event (T: 294 followers, Fb: 4,346 likes, Ig: 616). o Generated a reach of 7,994 people and engagement with 2,189 persons on the facebook by dripping the speaker list while giving challenges with the followers for early release of each speaker of the day. o Collaborated with designer for the artwork and printing of materials for the event.









Project Coordination


Problem Solving

Team Management

Relationship Management

Event Management

Planning Tasks, Delegating, Tracking

Project Management

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