Adebusola Temitope Obasa

Adebusola Temitope Obasa

Senior Environmental compliance officer en National Environmental Standards Regulations and Enforcement Agency

Gestión y Política Ambiental en Obafemi Awolowo University


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¡Hola, soy Adebusola Temitope Obasa!

Senior Environmental compliance officer en National Environmental Standards Regulations and Enforcement Agency

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    Certificaciones y Distintivos

    No se agregó certificaciones o distintivos


    GHG Inventory Data Gathering (Provision of emission data of GHG inventory in Nigeria

    Data collating As a desk officer for South West Zone of NESREA on GHG inventory Data gathering. I coordinate data coOfficer

    Environmental Auditing of Industries in Ogijo Ogun State.

    Environmental Officer

    As Environmental Scientific officer I carried out environmental data collection on soil water, air to assess contamination and toxicity level. I coordinate the environmental monitoring of selected facilities to promote compliance with extant laws guidelines policies and regulations to ensure sustainable development. I participate in risk impact assessment to identify environmental vulnerability and identify opportunities meet with health, safety and Environmental policy. I record test data and prepare reports that summarize test results to give best recommendation on reduction control and eliminations of pollutants





    Environment Impact Assessment (EIA), Areas in

    Environment Management System (EMS

    Environmental Audits

    Compliance to Standards

    Risk Analysis and Management

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