Ali Hassan

Ali Hassan

Cybersecurity Engineer en Mudar Abbas Technology

Ingeniería de Comunicaciones en Tishreen University


¡Hola, soy Ali Hassan!

Cybersecurity Engineer en Mudar Abbas Technology

Committed Application Penetration Tester; 5+ years in the IT market; 2 years of manual testing, risk analysis, consulting and investigating, vulnerability research, and reporting; 15+ global web application penetration testing projects in 2021. Eager learner with hands-on expertise with Systems (Linux and Windows); Tools (BurpSuite, SQLMap, Nikto, Dirbuster, Metasploit, Nmap, Acunetix, Nessus, and OSINT among others); Frameworks and Standards (OWASP, PTES, PCI); Scripting and Programming (Python, C/C++, and Bash); Web Development (JS, PHP, and SQL); and Version Control with GIT. Additionally, I have 2 years of financial management, 3+ years working with NGOs, and 4 years of training and teaching. Looking to work in a global company with a winning team of international professionals, and learn new things every day.

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    Certificaciones y Distintivos

    No se agregó certificaciones o distintivos


    Web Application Security Testing with OWASP ZAP

    Web Tester

    MASA Web Messaging Application

    Back-end Developer

    Secure messaging application as a final project for the Cybersecurity specialization by Maryland University on Coursera.

    Sandi Cryptography Application


    Encryption and decryption Windows-form-application built with the C# programming language under the Blowfish international standard, deals with all data types. The first project of its kind at Tishreen University, Simple yet efficient, easy to use, and user friendly.




    Programming Basics

    Security Testing


    Cyber security

    Critical thinking


    Problem Solving

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