Gilford Kidula
Mentorship Program Assistant en Generation Kenya
Mount Kenya University
¡Hola, soy Gilford Kidula!
Mentorship Program Assistant en Generation Kenya
I am a passionate community development practitioner with 3 years of experience in providing quality education, project planning and implementation, capacity development, youth empowerment and economic development among marginalized communities. I aspire to serve and contribute to the field of community development and social impact through service and leadership. I am passionate about positively impacting society and the world through my expertise in project management, monitoring and evaluation, and mentorship. I especially enjoy working with the youth and helping them achieve their goals. I have learned much from working with different personalities and cultures. My ardor is working with communities in transformative initiatives that enhance their ability to make informed decisions and participate in their development plans.
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Generation Kenya
Mentorship Program Assistant
March 2023 - Presente
Establishing a plan and implementing the mentorship program that meets the needs and interests of program participants and goals. Recruit, screen, orient, and provide training to all incoming volunteer mentors Assessing the Mentee's Immediate needs Monitor and evaluate mentee-mentor performance Ensuring the mentoring program is working as intended and tracking its progress as required Development of Mentorship materials and reporting templates Facilitating periodic evaluations of the mentoring Programme and updating the Programme accordingly. Serving as a resource person and sounding board for mentoring relationships
Hatua Network Organization
Mentorship Facilitator
February 2022 - April 2022
Facilitating a mentoring curriculum for high school students on personal development and life skills. Ensuring that the program is actively engaging and follows the curriculum. Monitoring students throughout the program and providing internal quality checkup reports using assessment tools. Coordinated career development programs such as career fairs and career training. Identified students who needed counseling and referred them to the counseling department. Prepared reports on the impact of the program on the organization
Teach For Kenya
Educator Fellow
September 2020 - December 2022
Mobilizing and conducting community sensitization forums on promoting quality education. Conducting school visits to educate learners on the importance of education and proper hygiene measures. Collaborating with various stakeholders; local administration, community leaders, Headteachers and residents in addressing community needs. Trained 200 teachers in person on pedagogical and digital skills in Mukuru Kwa Njenga and Kayole in Nairobi. Lobbying county government, non-governmental organizations, and influential people in the community to support initiatives in the community.
Imani Kids Rehabilitation Agency
Social worker Intern
January 2020 - April 2020
Oversaw the admission of new cases and carried out field investigations concerning particular cases. Provided guidance and counseling sessions to children and parents. Conducted a Need Assessment Analysis of children in the organization. Ensured all records of work-related activities were accurate and documented. Conducted community training on child rights, Gender-based violence, and Entrepreneurship training. Facilitated the Resettlement and Reintegration of children back into their families. Carried out community outdoor activities with children e.g., feeding, clean-ups. Obtained necessary children's documents e.g., committal orders, passports, Birth certificates, and networked with community organizations like CCIs and Government children’s officers.
Nairobi County Government
Assistant community development intern
January 2017 - May 2017
Conducted fieldwork to identify youth groups and CBOs to empower them. Facilitated access to resources- Uderzo Fund to registered groups. Conducted mobilization and sensitization programs to the community on Gender issues and HIV/AIDS. Wrote reports and presented them to community development officers weekly. Facilitated training on Entrepreneurship and Table Banking to groups to empower them. Mobilized registered groups to participate in Exchange programs.
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