Omar El-Etr

Omar El-Etr

Product Manager, Design Systems en Asana

Ciencias de la Computación en Bucknell University

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¡Hola, soy Omar El-Etr!

Experto de Localized

Product Manager, Design Systems en Asana

I was born and raised in Egypt and moved to the US for college to study Computer Science. I'm currently a Product Manager at Asana and I'm based in San Francisco. During my college career, I had the privilege to work on some groundbreaking research in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), which ended up landing Best Paper Award at CHI 2019. From there, I realized that my passion lies in the intersection of tech and psychology. I then worked with the online learning platform, Udemy, as their first UX Research Intern. After that, I transitioned into my first role as a Mobile Product Manager at Pluralsight—another online learning company. Right now, I'm the PM on the Design System team at Asana.

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No se agregó certificaciones o distintivos


Tas2shira | تأشيرة Podcast

Podcast Host

Host of Ta2shira (which means visa in English) podcast, where I interview guests from the Arab world to talk about their journeys studying abroad and what it took to get there.







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