محمد مروان

محمد مروان

illustration designer en psych2go

Comercio en Asyut university

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¡Hola, soy محمد مروان!

illustration designer en psych2go

Muhammad, a guy plays at Graphic Design's Track with 5+ years of Experience, 2+ years of Experience at Illustration Desgin. Running fast at the Track of Marketing 2+ Experience at both ( Traditional and Digital ) Marketing. with the help of the good background at Enterperureship, and Project Management. Muhammad is Hyper Active who volunteered at 6+ different places, Loves what he do, Hard worker, and Creative. I'm passionate to differentiate each and every single workplace I join. The million unique stories I have going to come out through my ART and unique MARKETING tactics and strategies. I have worked for different organizations : • Asyut University. • Al hadaf Egypt for advertising. • Psych2go. Contacts: FB, Twitter, Dribbble, and Behance : @MoMarrwan Phone number: +20 1020 54 6010

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    Marketing Plan Creation

    Digital Illustration

    Social Media Marketing

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