Nizar Farsakh

Nizar Farsakh

Principal en Farsakh Training & Consulting LLC

Administración Pública en Harvard Kennedy School of Government

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¡Hola, soy Nizar Farsakh!

Experto de Localized

Principal en Farsakh Training & Consulting LLC

Having worked in different countries, both in the public sector and civil society, I am good at explaining to one side what they don't get about the other. I am keen on illuminating where the private, public and civil sectors complement each other. I flourish around people who are willing to roll up their sleeves and get dirty to get real work done as opposed to those who choose to stay within their comfort zones. Finally, I'm notorious for always seeing a silver lining when nobody else does.

Redes sociales



Certificaciones y Distintivos

No se agregó certificaciones o distintivos


National Endowment for Democracy


Trained (in Arabic) a group of 35 senior NGO executives from 10 Arab countries on NGO management, focusing on strategy and leadership within their organizations.

“Leadership, Organizing and Action: Leading Change” online course in Arabic

Recruitment Coordinator

For over ten years, Ahel has adapted and disseminated the principles and practice of Harvard’s renowned leadership course across the Arab world to help build the agentic capacity of Arab communities. And now, thanks to that experience and the continuous support of Prof. Marshall Ganz at Harvard, Ahel was able to provide this training online to reach communities that hitherto did not have access to it. My role in this pioneering project was to market the course through my network of activists and organizations that support activists in the Arab world to get high-quality candidates to apply. People with a track record of commitment to their communities and demonstrated belief in enabling lateral leadership.

Lead Trainer and Curriculum Developer

Over three years, trained over 70 Iraqi activists from different regions and sects on leadership, organizing and advocacy. The training helped them develop stronger social and political campaigns, enhanced their resourcefulness and intersectional networking within Iraq, and embolden them to lead in the current social movement.







Leadership Development




Political Systems

Localized conecta a estudiantes universitarios y recién graduados con expertos de la industria y empleadores.


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