Mohammed Elhabbash

Física Computacional en Universiti Sains Malaysia


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¡Hola, soy Mohammed Elhabbash!

Trainer of Artificial Intelligence for Kids en A M Qattan Foundation

Mohammed Elhabbash is a seasoned data scientist with a passion for unraveling complex problems through the lens of data. Elhabbash's journey into the world of data science began during her undergraduate studies in Statistics, where she developed a keen interest in the intersection of mathematics and technology. Throughout his career, Elhabbash has held pivotal roles in both academia and industry, collaborating with interdisciplinary teams to develop innovative solutions to real-world challenges. His research has been published in leading academic journals, focusing on topics such as predictive modeling, natural language processing, and pattern recognition. As a thought leader in the field, Elhabbash is committed to advancing data literacy and fostering a culture of innovation. He frequently speaks at conferences and workshops, sharing her expertise and insights with aspiring data scientists and industry professionals alike. Driven by her belief in the transformative power of data, Elhabbash continues to push the boundaries of what is possible, using his expertise to unlock new opportunities and drive meaningful change in the digital age.

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Mathematics in Matlab

C++ Functions

PROPT - MATLAB Optimal Control

MATLAB Programmer

R Statistical Programming

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