Diala Farah
Director en University of Balamand
Ciencias de la Vida y la Tierra en university of balamand

August 2017 - Presente
Guide students to identify their professional goals Develop students’ career planning skills Develop relationships with representatives from industry and organizations Develop relations with faculty members and University staff Develop relations with other higher education institutions Assist in employment placement of students and graduates Act as active member of the University Ranking Committee and Accreditation Committee Deliver employability workshops
Office of Student Affairs
Office Manager
January 2011 - December 2017
Maintain and observe daily activities at the Office of Student Affairs. Coordinate between the Dean and the Office of Student Affairs departments. Edit and update handbooks, policies and regulations. Offer opportunities for students to become involved in extra-curricular activities.
Career Services Center
January 2010 - December 2011
Offer students out-of-class experiences and advice that prepare them to a competitive job market. Help students to acquire new job search knowledge and skills to lead them to a successful future. Build partnerships with the community and commercial industries

Ciencias de la Vida y la Tierra
university of balamand
Graduado en 2004

Comunicaciones Masivas
University of Balamand

Comunicaciones Masivas
University of Balamand

University of Balamand
Certificaciones y Distintivos
No se agregó certificaciones o distintivos
No se agregaron proyectos
Communication to Press
Career Development
Corporate Social Responsibility
Student Administration
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