Rim Yazigi
Senior Eng Manager en Google
¡Hola, soy Rim Yazigi!
Experto de Localized
Senior Eng Manager en Google
- Ingeniería de software
Rim is a Senior Engineering Manager at Google responsible for managing Engineering Productivity on the Google Nest team (currently managing a team of 40+ engineers). She's been working at Google for 10.5 years. Prior to joining Google, Rim was a Test Engineer at Yahoo! and Palm Inc. Rim is passionate about product quality and giving Google users a flawless experience with their Nest products. She strives to be a good leader and is passionate about supporting engineers growth and women in STEM. Rim has a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science from Damascus University and a Masters Degree in CS from George Washington University. In her spare time, Rim volunteers in her community school, bakes, and enjoys exercising, as well as games and crafts with her family.
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