Nasirudeen Raheem

Data Scientist en AXA mansard

Análisis de Negocios en Nexford University


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¡Hola, soy Nasirudeen Raheem!

Data Scientist en AXA mansard

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    This notebook uses Lime and shapely values to explain the black box the model using a cross-selling approach to know the customer that will be interested in buying a vehicle insurance

    The Link to the article

    World Mental Health Day is celebrated on October 10 each year. The objective of this day is to raise awareness about mental health issues around the world and mobilize efforts in support of mental health. According to an anonymous survey, about 450 million people live with mental disorders that can be one of the primary causes of poor health and disability worldwide. You are a Machine Learning engineer in a company. You are given a task to understand and observe the mental health of all the employees in your company. Therefore, you are required to predict the burnout rate of employees based on the provided features thus helping the company to take appropriate measures for their employees.

    Recently, there has been an increase in the number of building collapses in Lagos and major cities in Nigeria. Olusola Insurance Company offers a building insurance policy that protects buildings against damages that could be caused by a fire or vandalism, by a flood or storm. You have been appointed as the Lead Data Analyst to build a predictive model to determine if a building will have an insurance claim during a certain period or not. You will have to predict the probability of having at least one claim over the insured period of the building. The model will be based on the building characteristics. The target variable, Claim, is a: 1 if the building has at least a claim over the insured period. 0 if the building doesn’t have a claim over the insured period.




    Coding Skills

    Python Setup and Usage

    Data Visualization

    Data Mining

    Predictive Modelling

    Statistical Concepts






    Data Cleansing

    Data Classification


    Interpretation Of Data

    Microsoft Office 365

    Microsoft Power BI

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